Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Beautiful Books: NaNo. Fairytale. Lots of pictures!

Ok, so I realized that I should have done this in my last post (which was only a few hours ago), but since I didn't, I'll just link back to it since they are connected: NaNoWriMo - Fairytale-Mashup
There. Now go read it.

Did you read it? If so then you may continue.

Beautiful Books. It's like Beautiful People, but instead of being about characters it's about the books themselves. This is going to be fun! Of course you should go check it out on Further Up and Further In. Go! I'll wait...

Did you go read the explanation? If so, then you may continue.

I will - of course - be answering the questions as in regards to my NaNo novel, the Fairytale Retelling Mashup, currently being called "Alternatives". I don't exactly know why I am calling it that, but it was what came to mind so I'm going with it for now.
And now, for the questions!

1. How did you come up with the idea for your novel, and how long have you had the idea? 

I don't remember the answer to either part of this question. I really don't know. I haven't had it for very long.
*edit* I was at a coffee shop, it was raining, and I was listening to a SoundFuel playlist, but I don't remember which one.

2. Why are you excited to write this novel? 

Because I love writing, and I love fairytales, and it's going to be awesome! I'm changing some big parts of the stories to make them more unique. Such as: one of the girls (I won't say which) doesn't  believe in True Love. And I'm drastically veering off from the well known Beauty and the Beast storyline. So yeah, I'm excited! 

3. What is your novel about, and what is the title? 

As you know, it is a fairytale-retelling-mashup about Cinderella, Belle, Aurora, Rapunzel, Snow White, and Ariel; and their crazy adventures. The current working title is "Alternatives". 

4. Sum up your characters in one word each. (Feel free to add pictures!) 

Cinderella: Sincere
(She has grey eyes, not brown.)

Belle: Protective 

Aurora: Inventive or Apathetic - (I can't decide which word suits her better)

Rapunzel: Surprising

Snow White: Lonely
  Ariel: Yearning

(yes I realize that yearning is a noun, while all the other describing words I used are adjectives)

5. Which character(s) do you think will be your favourite to write? Tell us about them! 

I think I'm going to love writing about all of them, but if I enjoy writing one over the others it will probably be Ariel's plotline (because I have a special connection with the role - having played Ariel onstage), and because I gave her a super cool best friend!

6. What is your protagonist’s goal, and what stands in the way? 

Well, they each have several goals throughout the story so I'll go with their first main goals.

Cinderella's goal is to get out from under her step-mother's rule, and to marry the man she loves. Her step-mother and step-sisters; and secret identities, are in the way.

Belle's goal is to move away from the village where she lives and to find healing. Her past/memories, Gaston, and a monster in the forest, stand in the way. 

Aurora doesn't have a big goal until Cinderella and Snow White show up on her doorstep, her goal then becomes helping Snow. 

Rapunzel's goal is to escape the tower and live a life of fun and adventure. Her "mother" stands in the way.

Snow's goal is to survive. Her step-mother has other wishes.

Ariel's goal is to go to the surface and explore the land. But her father, King Triton, stands in the way.

7. Where is your novel set? (Show us pictures if you have them!)

It is set in a medieval-fantasy-fairytale-ish land (like most every other fairytale)
There are forests the stand near each other, and mountains, and a coast/beach.

8. What is the most important relationship your character has?

The ones they have with each other I guess... there are a lot of relationships in this story.

9. How does your protagonist change by the end of the novel?

*River Song voice* Spoilers!!!

10. What themes are in your book? How do you want your readers to feel when the story is over?

Friendship. Love. Standing up against evil - even if it means slipping around in the dark.

I want them to feel happy and sad and intrigued and... I want them to feel exhausted because I took them on a rollercoaster ride. And I want them thirsty for more.
I want my readers to be invested in the lives of the characters and willing to come back and see them do more (in another book).

NaNoWriMo BONUS: Tell us your 3 best pieces of advice for others trying to write a book in a month.

Oh what do I know?! I'm the one that needs advice. But here goes anyway! :)

1 - Don't give up! Even if you feel like no one but you will like the story, just keep writing, just keep pourng your soul onto the keyboard, 'cause in the end, it will have be worth it!

2 - Find what helps get you in the zone. Whether that means nibbling chocolate, putting background music on, sitting on the floor, going for a walk before you write, or maybe, hanging from the ceiling. It really helps to figure out what helps.

3 - Be excited about it! And keep up a bubbly attitude!
(I don't actually know if this actually works, but, my theory is that if you convince your brain that writing is always enjoyable it will put more energy into writing.)

If you want to see more pictures for the story go see my pinterest board: Alternatives - a fairytale mash-up - NaNo 2015

Now. Go and prepare yourselves for the glorious battle of 50,000 words in 30 days! :)

P.S. I apologize for the fonts changing back and forth, I can't figure out why it's doing that.

*All the photos in this post are either from Pinterest or Google Images. I do not own them.*

NaNoWriMo: Fairytale mashup!

Hello everyone, after my depressing last post I thought I should write about something fun! And since we are over half way through NaNoPrepMonth, I thought I should write about my NaNo novel!

I'm very excited! And anxious. It's going to be tough, I have yet to successfully complete NaNo. But It's going to be really fun! What is the story, you ask? It is a Fairytale Retelling Mashup! About six well known princesses: Cinderella, Belle, Aurora, Rapunzel, Snow White, and Ariel.

But they're all slightly different then the way you might think of them.
What if a princess didn't believe in true love?
What if a princess loved hunting?
What if a princess was depressed?
These are some of the questions that I asked myself, and that I will now explore.

And now for some pictures!


I'm having trouble with the other pics, so I guess those two are it for now.

It will be a challenge to write about six girls - which means six plotlines - plus their villains, love interests, friends, and families.

I'll try to update you on the story every now and then, but I don't want to give away any spoilers.

Have a lovely day!

Monday, October 12, 2015

We Don't Have Long... Tomorrow Could Be One Day Too Late.

Listen up people. This is something that has been on my mind a lot. And now is the time to say it out loud.

You need to get out there and do something with your life.

BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY: You need to tell the ones you love that they mean so much to you, because Death Is Just Around The Corner, and tomorrow could be One Day Too Late.

Never leave for tomorrow, that which can be done today. (the quote goes something like that) And that includes telling someone I Love You.

Death. It's coming, and no one knows when they're time to go will arrive. It terrifies me to think that at any moment I could lose someone dear to me. 

I know I've talked about this before, but I can't stop saying what's on my heart. I think about death a lot - I "joke" about how I want my funeral, but it's not a joke.

Last night I dreamt that I lost two people I care about - and even though I'm now awake, I still feel the pain of loss.

The words in the title of this post, are song lyrics, from a song by Skillet, called: One Day Too Late. And I think everyone needs to hear it. So here:

And, like I've said before, I have a very difficult time telling people that I love them, but from now on I'm gonna try harder. I don't want to let tomorrow become one day too late.

Please don't miss your chance.