So I decided to make use of this moment, in more than just enjoying it. I want to share it.
In this moment, I am at peace...
... It's something I haven't felt in quite a while.
In order to put out art, one must intake art...
... You can only move if your vehicle is properly fueled.
And you need a reason to create...
... Whether it be a person, place, thing, or idea.
Some art is to lose yourself in...
... Some is meant for finding yourself...
... And some is for finding others...
Some forms of art are there for when you need to whisper, scream, or shout, without so much as a word. And others are there to paint a soul with sound, be it with words or just instrumentation.
Go see art. Go listen to art. Dance it. Feel it. Smell it. Taste it. Love it. Hate it. Buy it. Sell it. Move it. Make it. Live it. Let it fully encompass you. Allow it to embrace you. Let art swell into every crack in your heart, mind, and soul. Let it hurt. Let it fill you with joy. May it make you laugh, make you scream, make you smile, and make you cry. May it move you to feel every emotion. Let it move your body.
May art take you over.