Monday, April 4, 2016

Camp NaNo Has Begun!

Imagine a cabin. Where is it?

Make it bigger. Make it smaller. Make it your ideal size.

Now place it in the middle of a forest.

A small stream flows nearby.

The forest is on a mountain side.

It's been snowing.

It's nearly dusk.

Through one of the windows you can see the glow of light.


Now look at that! I made you see something right? Naturally you didn't see the same thing I did - everyone has their own unique vision - but my words still were your guide.
Being a writer is like being a guide. We lead our readers on journeys, adventures, quests. 

Something else we do...

is Camp NaNo!!! 

While we may not be in idyllic cabins - not me anyway - writers from around the world are "gathering" to participate in the event. 
I have chosen to do so. And to continue a previous work instead of starting from scratch. I am working on The Animalia Project! A story about a young teen girl named Dallas that loves to win; and how her life changes when she begins to develop unnatural abilities. Go visit my Pinterest board for it!

And here is a newly written snippet! I feel like it shows off Dallas pretty well. 


The first time that Dallas won a fight, she was seven years old. It was while walking down a side street in town that she heard the sounds of an altercation. Curious as she is, she went towards them. What she discovered, was a group of six bullies beating up a young boy that was around her same age. She calmly walked up to the one that she guessed was the leader and tapped his arm. This dark haired boy – probably eleven – turned around angrily and told her to shove off. She - still calmly - asked to know why he was beating up a little boy. 

My word goal is 10,000. Which might not be a lot, but with how busy I'll be this month, I think it's still going to be a challenge.

Are any of you Camp NaNo-ing? What is your project?


  1. I loved your intro to this! What a wonderful way of describing what writers do. :)
    It'll be fun to go look at your Pinterest board for The Animalia Project! And Dallas's snippet makes her quite an appealing character, especially since she seems to be a defender of the weak.
    Alas, I am not Camp NaNo-ing as I must be Camp Edit-ing Suit and Suitability. But blessings on your project goal!

    1. Thanks Kelsey!
      The snippet is part of something that I wrote in response to one of the camp nano prompts. It might not make it into the final draft, but it's fun and it shows what Dallas used to be like - she's not always so nice these days - but it shows her core nature.

      Have fun editing! I hope it goes well!

  2. Eep, I love your thing about cabins! I hope your Camp NaNo will go amazingly! YOU CAN DO IT!!!! I'm sadly not doing Camp but I will be over here cheering you on. :) The Animalia Project sounds so coool! I can't wait to learn more! That snippet is sooo intriguing and the pinterest board is so cool! *squeal* BEST OF LUCK! ^_^

    1. Thanks Deborah!
      I had fun with the cabin thing!
      And I really enjoy working on The Animalia Project. I'll try to put up more soon!
