Just for fun! (it's 5:30 AM btw)
Comedy Of Errors: A summary

Aegeon: But my tragic backstory! Involving two sets of twins!
Duke: Oh the feels! I'll let you live one more day.
Adriana: You're my husband.
Antipholus of Syracuse: No I'm not.
Dromio of Syracuse: Since when do I have a wife? And she's like a globe!
Antipholus of Ephesus: Open the doors, I'm hungry.
Household: Hi hungry. We won't let you in.
Antipholus of Ephesus: Fine! I'll just go spend the day with a Courtezan.
Luciana: Help! My sister, Adriana's, husband is in love with me!
Antipholus of Syracuse: I'm not her husband!
Merchant and Goldsmith: Where's my money?
Everyone: What the heck is happening?!
Courtezan, Pinch, Officer and Servants: Hi there.
Everyone: What the heck is happening?!
Aemelia: Two sets of twins, remember? Also I'm Aegeon's wife, and the mother of the Antipholi.
Everyone: Oh yeah! Awesome.
Adriana: Which one of you is my husband?
Antipholus of Ephesus: Me!
Antipholus of Syracuse: Now can I marry Luciana?
Luciana: Okay.
the Dromios: Wow! We're identical!
:D Pretty much sums it up. Talk about confusion! Shakespeare must have had fun writing this.