Wednesday, June 8, 2016

"Come with me and you'll be in a world of pure imagination!"

If you are a regular - or irregular - reader of this blog then you may have noticed that the look has changed somewhat. I changed it a few days ago actually, but since I had already posted that day I decided to wait to say anything.

If you did notice, I applaud you.

If you did not... then maybe you are a first timer here! In which case, WELCOME!!! Was that too loud? ...Welcome... Not loud enough? Well you are a picky person... Welcome! Better? Thank you.

Also this is the 51st post on this blog! *whoot whoot* The new look is kinda in celebration of that.

To make up for not having anything else to say... here's a picture of a cat... and a snowy tree lined path... and Toothless... and a night sky!

Title is a line from the opening song "Pure Imagination" from Willy Wonka jr.


  1. Hmm...yes... something does look a bit different but I can't put my finger on it... YAY CONGRATS ON 51 POSTS! THAT IS AWESOME!!! :D D'awwww, I ADORE those pics! Especially Toothless. <3 ^_^

    1. I mostly only changed some fonts and the opacity of the grey background, so that the fire is better seen. other than that i don't remember...
      I wanted to change it just enough that it would bug people, but not enough that they would easily figure it out.

    2. Okay, cool, that makes sense! I did think the fonts were different and I can definitely see the fire better... but like I said, wasn't totally sure. So I guess it worked! XD
