Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Beautiful People: September - John and Dallas

Better late than never. It's time for Beautiful People!

What is Beautiful People?
Beautiful People is a blog meme hosted by Sky @ Further Up And Further In and Cait @ Paper Fury. Every month, they post ten questions to help you get to know your characters better.

So, today, I had two characters - from separate stories - approach me and say that I needed to do Beautiful People this month.
Those two characters are John Fletcher and Dallas Green. Dallas wanted a post about herself, and John was just trying to be helpful and remind me. So I decided to do it with both of them. 
John is from Agents and Assassins. And Dallas is from The Animalia Project.

So here is a quick description of them.
Dallas is 16 with curly brown hair and fierce green eyes, she is tough - and acts tougher - and likes to be on top.
John is 21 with blond hair and blue eyes, he is gentle and just wants to be free from the pain he's in.

Alrighty, here we go!

Me: "Alright guys, I'm going to ask the questions and we will answer them," 

1. They’re in a crisis: who would they really like to see right now?

Me: "Dallas you go first,"

Dallas: "Ok then. In a crisis? I'm never in a crisis,"

Me: "But if you were, who would you want to come help?"

Dallas: "I don't need help. I would probably see Erwyn, because I'd defeating him and his silly try to get me in a crisis,"

Me: "I think that she would want to see Joe,"

John: "Who's Joe?"

Me: "A friend of her's that has saved her a couple times from fights,"

Dallas: "I told you, I don't need help,"

Me: "John. Your turn."

John: "Um... well, I guess I'd like to see Cary Hitchcock."

Me: "Not Agent Law?"

John: "Well, her too I guess, but if I could only have one person help me, I'd go with Cary. He's um... friendlier... than, Agent Law."

Me: "Next question. John you go first this time,"

2. Are they easy to get along with? 

John: "I hope I am. But I guess I wouldn't really know,"

Dallas: "Of course I am. I'm very easy to get along with, as long as other people don't act like iditots,"

Me: "John is very easy to get along with. 
  John: *Smiles shyly* "Thank you,"

Me: "Dallas, on the other hand..."

Dallas: "What?"

Me: "Dallas can be a challenge - not for me - but for others."

Dallas: "Oh, come on!

3. Who was the last person they had a deep conversation with?  

Dallas: "Deep? Deep conversations get you nowhere. And they make peopole emotional. But I guess the last person would be Nora, it was not fun."

John: "I guess it would be... her... I'd rather not talk about it,"

Me: *nods* "Ok,"

4. They’re in the middle of a huge crowd of people: how do they feel? 

John: "Not too bad, crowds don't really bother me. I like that you can disappear and just be another face in a crowd,"

Dallas: "It's neither here nor there. Crowds are crowds, so as long as they aren't all cheering for an opponent, I'm good."

5. Do they believe in luck or miracles? 

Dallas: "In luck, yeah, never seen a miracle,"

Me: "Your position on that might change pretty soon,"

Dallas: "What does that mean?"

Me: "Can't tell you. John, your answer?"

John: "Both I guess..."

6. Do they like and get along with their neighbours? 

John: "Well, before I left the states, yeah, but where I am now, it's a little more difficult," 

Dallas: "Define "neighbors". If you mean people in the town, then yeah, most of 'em. But maybe you mean the Green Kids, in The Green. Still, yeah most of 'em are fine."

7. If they could travel anywhere in the world, where would they go? 

Dallas: "The big city," 

John: "Well, I was kinda given that card already. Really, I'm not in to traveling,"

8. How do they feel about their body? 

John: "I'm very aware of how much stronger than me, everyone on Cary's team is,"

Dallas: "I feel great about myself, I'm the best kid in The Games, and I'm gonna win,"  

9. What is the cruelest thing someone has ever said to them? How did they react? 

Me: "Well, Dallas?" 

Dallas: "No one would dare try to be cruel to me."

Me: "Why is that?"

Dallas: "Because I'm tough, I'm not fazed by stuff like that,"

Me: *nods with the wisdom and knowledge that comes from being the author*

John: "The cruelest thing? I don't know..." 

10. What’s the kindest thing someone has ever said to them? How did they react?

Dallas: "What is it with these sappy questions?"

Me: "They're great questions!"

John: "I guess, it would be something - anything - that She said,"

Dallas: "Who? Who is it? You always just say "her" or "she", what's her name?"

John: *makes eye contact with me* "I can't say her name. But she was wonderful. And I can't pinpoint just one thing she said, she was always so kind." *looks over at Dallas* "What about you, Dallas?"

Dallas: "I'm a Green kid, people aren't "kind" they're condescending. No one cares about us except when we're competing in the games. Though I guess, Joe and Mrs Ballet are nice,"

Me: "Ok... now that I've depressed the two of you, I guess we'll wrap this up. Thank you for partisipating, I hope you got at least some enjoyment from this."

And thank You for reading this very long post. I hope you all enjoyed it.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Doctor Who and Heartbreak.

Warning! I was very emotional when writing this post.

I love Doctor Who. I do. I love it. And I have for several months now.
But right now I'm suffering because of that love, and I am left to wonder why anyone would ever open their heart so much.
This show has made me laugh, made me overflow with joy. But it has also made me worry, and cry, and mourn. It has torn my heart to pieces - I imagine it's very much like being put through a paper shredder.
So, why? Why did I allow something so far into my heart?
I think that I must have underestimated the power of the show and the strength of the attachment that would form.
Is the pain worth it? Does the good outweigh the hurt? I don't know. I'm still trying to decide.
This show makes you fall in love with people, people you know you will one day lose. And then, just as promised, it tears them away leaving an enormous hole in your heart. I have just lost someone very very dear to me (Ten) and I don't know how I'll manage.
But still in the midst of the raging heartbreak... I still love the show.

So? Do you watch Doctor Who? Is it worth it?

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

...Waiting... Dreams... Ambition...

Here I sit, at my favorite coffee place, staring at my screen until I see double... with nothing to say... seriously, I have nothing to say, but I want to shower the world in words of wisdom and wit. So here I am... waiting for some bolt of inspiration.



...Life is too short to spend it all waiting...

...and yet...

...I'm still here... waiting...

I've been waiting for things all my life: freedom, happiness... luck... talent...

But how can I recive something I'm not working towards?

I finally have my freedom (mostly), but what about my dreams?

I never had ambition until recently - sure, I had dreams, but no hope of them ever becoming a reality; I simply accepted that they were dreams and didn't fight for them. Though really, I couldn't have done anything about it before now anyway, so maybe it's good that I didn't have ambition until now - but anyway... a little while back I tried something big, nothing came of it, except: I found ambition, I realized that I could do something that I loved and maybe even do well. So I decided to do more than just dreams of reaching for the stars, I decided to start building my rocketship.

Really, I don't why I'm saying this right now. I don't even know if I have already said this.

Right now, I just want to encourage you to work towards your dreams. How can you build real castles on clouds unless you get into the sky? 

What about you??? What are you stretching for? What does your cloud castle look like? Decide how you want to get to the sky, and start construction on your space-ship, or ladder, or trampoline, or jet-pack fueled by cuteness; do what you love and do it well.

Tell me your thoughts in the comments! I'd love to hear from you!

~ Smithy Rose

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

7-7-7 Challenge

I have been tagged, by my dear friend Kelsey at Kelsey's Notebook, to do the 7-7-7 challenge, which is where you share 7 sentences from page 7 of your WIP, and then tag 7 other writers to go and do the same.

 Anyone I would tag has already been tagged, and I don't have 7 people to tag anyway, so you are tagged if you want to be.

 Here is my clip from "Agents and Assassins"

“Why do I keep talking to myself?” John wondered aloud on his way to the village one morning a week later. The sky was bright, and the air fresh, with a tinge of excitement, as if something was to happen soon. However John ignored the feel of the air and continued his conversation with himself, “I never used too. But I do it all the time now. That is when I’m alone. Like right now. I suppose that I won’t be able to get rid of it very easily since it’s kept up this long.”

Monday, September 14, 2015

Reading and Saying Goodbye

I love to read. But I don't like finishing a book or series, because it hurts, and it's like saying goodbye.

I just finished reading the Manga "Ouran High School Host Club". I fell in love with the characters and I've watched them go through so much. And now, I'm saying farewell to a part of them, and a part of me. I love them SO MUCH.
My only consolation is that they might visit me in my head and heart.

I've never "liked" saying goodbye . But I always want to. Because one day, I'm going to see someone for the last time. And I don't want to let them go without a final parting - even though I won't know when it is.
Other people may go the other way and choose not to say goodbye, but I can't do that.

I struggle with telling people how much they mean to me; for me, saying goodbye - to my friends - giving and receiving a hug or just a smile... it's kind of a way of saying, "I don't want to lose you,"
I was very young when I realized the frailty of life. And when I did, it hurt... I think it changed me... I got scared... because one thing I do know, is that I love hard, which means that I can't bear the thought of living without my friends.
I actually wanted to die young so that I wouldn't have to go through the pain of someone going before me. I might still desire it.

So anyway... these are my thoughts... and I'm actually crying right now...