Thursday, December 7, 2017

What Makes You Passionate

Do you ever just get excited over something? The kind of excited where you can't be quiet and you want to jump up and down and wave your arms and scream incoherently? If so, good! That's awesome!
Is it something crazy? Popular? Everyday? Unusual? Silly?

Well today I'm going to mention something that makes me crazy enthusiastic

when used in theatre or dance, chairs can be surprisingly powerful and versatile
from the angle at which they sit, to the way you sit on them,
whether it's one solitary chair, or a whole lot of them
if they match or not, what color(s) they are, do they have cushions, are they covered
wood, metal, plastic
if they are in a line, or a circle
if they are even upright, if they are hung from the ceiling, or have a broken leg
each thing has a different feel, a different atmosphere, or vibe
you can move them around, stand on them, hold them over your head, trip on them, jump over them
stack them, break them, fold them, spin them, 
there are so many ways to use a chair. and that excites me a lot.
They are used in Hamilton, and Come From Away, and they way they are used is beautiful

Four years ago, I never would have guessed that I'd be PASSIONATE about chairs. But here I am. And I'm never going back. 


  1. Never saw chairs in so many different lights before! :)

    Come to think of it, what would we do without chairs? I have a couple that I'm so happy are in my life---including my comfy, ergonomical desk chair I'm sitting in right now.

    I'm curious to know how they're used in Hamilton and Come From Away.

    1. I hadn't really thought of them much either, until getting into choreography, and Hamilton was a big push!
      You should be able to find the tony performances of both shows on youtube, to see some of how they use them

  2. That's so funny! I love that you love chairs! :) I really love owls, that's a random thing I like. ^_^
