Thursday, July 12, 2018

In A Funk

Every artist and likely every human at some point or another gets caught in a rut, a place of confusion, a funk. And while knowing that it's normal is comforting it doesn't do anything to bring you out of it.

I've been stuck for a while now, unsure of what to do or pursue. I know the things I love but I'm pestered by the doubts of my abilities and the struggles of life tell me that I can't survive on what I want. And still there things I want to try that maybe I'll love even more than what I already know about. I can't see the future and I don't even have any guesses, I've been trained by my experiences to not look too far ahead except in fear because the danger is now and I might never arrive at the time I'm dreaming of. I've tried to be positive I've tried being neutral but nothing keeps my head above the waves, I can't swim and I'm no where near the shore. So I flounder between ideas and ideals, knowing any second now I will drown. I wanted to be a writer, a filmmaker, an actor, a singer, a dancer, and artist of all trades... but now I'm just scared, I don't know how to focus or what to focus on, I'm practically penniless, and hate being dead-weight but I'm terrified of moving to a challenge that might be a lifesaver because I also can see it as a life-ender. They say what doesn't kill me will make me stronger, but never told me what to do if it could kill me. So I stay in uncomfortable stasis, waiting for sign or miracle. I don't expect anyone to save me and I'm not sure I would want them too, because once again I would feel indebted to someone else and unable to return the favor.

So, that's where I'm at right now... unable to figure out what to do with myself, and stressed to Halifax and back. I sincerely hope you all are doing better than I am!

Until next time my readers, take care and have fun.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing's ever so hopeless that you can't come back from it. Just take some time away in the mind palace, eventually you'll find who YOU are, not who people think you are. Just keep on trucking, your readers will be here all the same :)
