Sunday, August 9, 2015

Something I Struggle With

Yo! How's it going everybody!

Today I'm gonna talk about me! Because really... what else is there? Hahaha... that was a joke... I apologize... but really... probably no one reads this anyway, so...

But here we go. The topic that I'm actually addressing in this post:

Struggles are real, and they are out there, and everybody's got some.
Something I struggle with - and I'm sure some of you can relate - is... TIME MANAGEMENT.
I'm very bad at it. It's quite a problem.
And when you mix that with two of my other qualities: procrastination and forgetfulness; it's REALLY not good.

So, because of those afore mentioned qualities, I'm a little worried about the future. Why???
1. Because I already fill my time up with doing things at the Theatre. I'm there ALL THE TIME. I practically life there.
2. I'm going to take dual-credit this fall - at a college!
3. I'm broke and looking for a job.

I tend to bite off more than I can chew - with just ONE thing controlling my life - so what kind of chaos will my life be when I have TWO or THREE?

So. If you have any tips, suggestions, or advise on life, happiness, sanity, and the universe. Please let me know! I would love to hear from you!

Smithy out!

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