Friday, May 22, 2015

Character Encounters

Character Encounters is a writer's link-up hosted by Kendra E. Ardnek over at Knitted by God's Plan.
Click on her name is you want to learn more!
We will be encountering John Fletcher (yeah, I know he's the one I used for Beautiful People) at this months location... the Playground

I arrived at the playground, just before sunset, for no particular reason, and found it to be deserted.
I walk to the swings and sit down. Whilest swaying gently, I see that I am not entirely alone. A sad figure sits at the top of the slide far to my right, the setting sun behind him. His head is bent and he is still. I slip off the swing and walk to where he is. He looks up as I approach and I recognize my character, John.

"A twenty-one-year-old on a playset isn't something you see every day," I comment
"Well... maybe that's because we come when no one else is around,"
"What's wrong?" I ask gently
"What makes you think something is wrong?"
"You're sad, I can sense it," I reply
He smiles, "I was thinking... about her."
"Ahhh. Don't dwell to much on the past, John,"
"I know how to handle it now." He assures me.
"How is training going?"
"You know, I'm not supposed to talk about it... But I will say this: Naya actually said I did well on the course yesterday."
"Wow," I say enthusiastically, but I wonder if she meant it.
He glances towards the sun, "I better go, it's Gigi's night to cook, and game night, so I don't want to be late." He pushes himself down the slide and gently reaches the ground. He turns to me and says, "Goodnight. We're still on for coffee?"
"Of course," I pull him into a hug. At first he was a little stiff from surprise, but he hugged me back warmly.

I watch as he disappears in to the night and I sigh at his past and smile at his future.


  1. Cool! I especially like that last line: "I sigh at his past and smile at his future." You, as his author, should know. :)

  2. He sounds like an interesting character. I love that last line, too. As authors, we (usually) know where a character is going - and I always wish I could just jump in and tell them but ... that would kinda destroy the plot.

    1. I know. There are many things I wish I could tell John.
