Tuesday, September 22, 2015

...Waiting... Dreams... Ambition...

Here I sit, at my favorite coffee place, staring at my screen until I see double... with nothing to say... seriously, I have nothing to say, but I want to shower the world in words of wisdom and wit. So here I am... waiting for some bolt of inspiration.



...Life is too short to spend it all waiting...

...and yet...

...I'm still here... waiting...

I've been waiting for things all my life: freedom, happiness... luck... talent...

But how can I recive something I'm not working towards?

I finally have my freedom (mostly), but what about my dreams?

I never had ambition until recently - sure, I had dreams, but no hope of them ever becoming a reality; I simply accepted that they were dreams and didn't fight for them. Though really, I couldn't have done anything about it before now anyway, so maybe it's good that I didn't have ambition until now - but anyway... a little while back I tried something big, nothing came of it, except: I found ambition, I realized that I could do something that I loved and maybe even do well. So I decided to do more than just dreams of reaching for the stars, I decided to start building my rocketship.

Really, I don't why I'm saying this right now. I don't even know if I have already said this.

Right now, I just want to encourage you to work towards your dreams. How can you build real castles on clouds unless you get into the sky? 

What about you??? What are you stretching for? What does your cloud castle look like? Decide how you want to get to the sky, and start construction on your space-ship, or ladder, or trampoline, or jet-pack fueled by cuteness; do what you love and do it well.

Tell me your thoughts in the comments! I'd love to hear from you!

~ Smithy Rose


  1. I love how you are so real in your blog posts. It's helpful to your readers, since it encourages us to face our own issues head on!
    My dreams change over the years...right now I'm at the point where I would still love to write lots of books and be read by more people. As life has gone, sometimes that dream gets obscured, and I wonder if it's really worth it...but I think it is. I get so excited about writing, especially when that writing points people to God, because that's every believer's ultimate purpose. So thank you for the encouraging post. I will work harder on reaching the sky!
    Love you! May God bless you on your life pursuits!

    1. Thank you, Kelsey.
      I try to just say what is in my heart, because that's all I got. And writing them this way helps me discover things about myself.
      You are a wonderful writer, I love reading your work!
      Reach for the sky! :)
      God's blessings be with you.
