Monday, September 28, 2015

Doctor Who and Heartbreak.

Warning! I was very emotional when writing this post.

I love Doctor Who. I do. I love it. And I have for several months now.
But right now I'm suffering because of that love, and I am left to wonder why anyone would ever open their heart so much.
This show has made me laugh, made me overflow with joy. But it has also made me worry, and cry, and mourn. It has torn my heart to pieces - I imagine it's very much like being put through a paper shredder.
So, why? Why did I allow something so far into my heart?
I think that I must have underestimated the power of the show and the strength of the attachment that would form.
Is the pain worth it? Does the good outweigh the hurt? I don't know. I'm still trying to decide.
This show makes you fall in love with people, people you know you will one day lose. And then, just as promised, it tears them away leaving an enormous hole in your heart. I have just lost someone very very dear to me (Ten) and I don't know how I'll manage.
But still in the midst of the raging heartbreak... I still love the show.

So? Do you watch Doctor Who? Is it worth it?


  1. I know exactly what you mean... I haven't gotten to Ten leaving yet (my heart's going to break too!) but I still miss Nine and Rose... *sends you hugs*

    1. Thanks for the hugs! *sends you more hugs* I miss Nine a lot. I guess you could say he was... Fantastic!
      Yeah I watched Ten turn into Eleven last night, right before I posted this.
